> Add a Run "; list_view_menu(); echo " "; list_manage_menu("running"); ?> You are currently 
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email: admin@activebody.org Running Activities Home
| Week | | If you would like to add more data here, feel free to edit your preferences."; } $report1 = $row[5]; $report2 = $row[6]; if ($report1 == "") { $report1 = "none"; } if ($report2 == "") { $report2 = "none"; } $distance_unit = $row[7]; } else { $display_team = "on"; $display_state = "on"; $display_countries = "on"; $display_month = "on"; $report1 = "none"; $report2 = "none"; $distance_unit = ""; } if ($display_team == "on") { team_listing("running", $user_id, $distance_unit); } if ($display_state == "on") { state_listing("running", $distance_unit); } if ($display_countries == "on") { country_listing("running", $distance_unit); } if ($display_month == "on") { month_year_listing ("running", $user_id, $distance_unit); } footer(); ?> Forums were hacked... Will update after 1/1/2006"; list_announcements(); $width = 185; $height = 123; $month = date("n"); $year = date("Y"); $sport = 'running'; if ($report1 == "none") { echo " New!
If you want add quick links to often used reports, edit your preferences.
New! "; } else { echo " Quick Report Link One
"; echo "" . print_report($user_id, $report1, $sport, '', '', $height, $width) . ""; echo "
Click image to view larger image "; } if ($report2 != "none") { echo " Quick Report Link Two
"; echo "" . print_report($user_id, $report2, $sport, '', '', $height, $width) . ""; echo "
Click image to view larger image "; } echo " "; //include("weather/xoapWeather.php"); //user_weather($user_id, "cd", 1); ?>